

How to join the Open Canoe Sailing Group

The Open Canoe Sailing Group is open to anyone, and new members are always welcome. (Please note that although under 18 year olds are welcome at our meets, they must be under the direct supervision and responsibility of their parent or responsible adult, as the club is not able to provide instruction or supervision for unaccompanied children or vulnerable adults).

The annual subscription for 1 person is £10 and for 2 people living at the same address the annual cost is £15.

You can join the OCSG by completing the online form below.

PayPal is the preferred payment method and is used by nearly all OCSG members (you do not need a PayPal account). When bank transfer is used the Secretary is not always informed. This causes uncertainty about who has or has not paid. It also commonly leads to the ‘Safety Declaration’ and ‘Name & Address’ updates being overlooked.

As an alternative to PayPal, you can print out a Membership Form from your computer and send it with a cheque to: OCSG Membership Secretary, 15 Silver Tree Close, Walton on Thames, Surrey, KT12 1NN.

Please read the OCSG Safety and Participation Statements, below, as you will need to agree to them as a condition of joining the club.

    Main member Details

    Age range

    Second member Details

    Age range


    Membership Required

    Have you read and understood the OCSG Safety Policy and Participation Statement?